Xin Wei
Piano Teacher
Xin is from Inner Mongolia, China. She has won several Inner Mongolia piano awards during 2017-2018. She started piano teaching in 2017 and has 3 years of teaching experience, with students ages 6-10. She used to work as a piano assistant in the FeiXun Art School in China, which is a pre-college school. Xin has been studying piano with Professor Sun Siqi since 2016. Sun graduated from the Cleveland Conservatory of Music in the United States. In 2019, she was admitted to Cal State University and started to learn piano with Dr. Rachmanov. At the same time, she learned piano pedagogy from Dr. Kowalchyk. During school, she participated in the masterclass in spring 2021 with Dr. Cionco. She also participated in two piano club concerts in 2020-2021 as a performer. Xin received her bachelor's degree in piano pedagogy in 2021. |